Sunday, June 7, 2009

Welcome Home Bear Hunters

For the past 10 days, Norah and I have been fending for ourselves.  Dan and his Dad left 10 days ago for Saskatchewan Canada black bear hunting.  We are so excited to have them home tomorrow.  We heard from the guys tonight finally, they had no service, so it has been a good week without hearing word from them.  They were both very successful.  Dan shot a record black bear for the camp, weighing over 300 lbs.  and his Dad shot a real nice blond bear, really rare to see.  They will have better details posted and pictures as well.  They also got both kills on video, so Dan will be happy about that, since his new hobby lately is creating hunting videos of all his kills.  The videos are actually awesome, and could totally pass for professional, and I'm not just saying that because he is my husband.  He has really become talented with photography and videoing.  As for Norah and I we are doing good, and will just be glad to have Dan back home again.  Thank goodness for family in the area.  We had a busy week with friends, and family, and ate out a lot!  Thanks everyone for taking good care of us last week with Dan gone.  We will post pictures of the bears soon!

1 comment:

kylie said...

Fun!!! I definitely feel dinner and bear hunting videos are in our future. Nick (and I) would LOVE to see them!!!