We got to take care of Liam the other day for a few hours. He slept most of it. It is so fun watching him and Norah play. They both gave each other hugs, and kisses like it was going out of style. He is such a good little guy and now that he is walking it is so cute!!!
Norah helping mom...as usual lately. This time she had more fun licking the batter from the bowl. Don't worry, no raw eggs here.
Fun night out as a family at the Griffins hockey game with Jason, martha, and the kids. The kids went crazy when they got to meet Griff.
We've only been out in the snow a few times yet this winter. It's been to cold! Norah does seem to like being pulled in the sled though.
We had a play date with Jada and Isaac. So much fun having cousins close in age. Everything Jada does, Norah has to do too.