Even though we got off to a late start, Wyoming was a blast. Jared was the only one to put a rage in the cage. He shot a great Whitail Buck still in velvet. Craig and I seen a lot of good bucks but just couldn't get close enough to close the deal. Papa Stevens also came along on the trip, he kept us from starving by cooking all the meals.

Glassing from afar and trying to pattern these deer was a daily routine.

After Wyoming I swapped vehicals and headed towards Colorado for another week of chasing Mule Deer with the stick and string. My dad scored first shooting a tremendous 6x4. This buck was very tall with great front and back forks.

It took me to the last hour of the last day to shoot my first Mule Deer with a bow. This nice 4x4 just about ran me over in my blind before it gave me a great 25 yard shot.

We seen this buck while scouting some other areas. We did not have permission to hunt here.

Another buck we seen in an area that was off limits. This one is pushing 30" wide. I would love to see how big he gets if he makes it another year.

Next years stock.

Downtown Telluride. Home of the first bank Butch Cassidy robbed.

On the way out of the mountains!
We also caugth up with Dana and Adam in Denver. We had dinner and spent a little time at their new house.